Global Challenge 2.0 | Metamorphosis challenges the centuries old model of education where subject matter is categorized, delivered from the top down, static, applied in the confines of the classroom and assessed using standardized testing. LIke a genetic algorithm in a simulation game, every player in this model is limited by the code and confined to the platform. Choice, creativity, student enthusiasm, engagement and progress are not necessarily priorities in such a system. One possible solution would be a user-generated, game-based model. In such a collaborative atmosphere, there would be less limitations on time, curiosity and learning content. Neurodiverse / differently intelligent students would create and answer their own questions across disciplines to maintain status, for example, on a geo-political map. All work and activities would be incentivized through a tokenized economy as students worked to solve local and global problems.
Challenge 2.0 Metamorphosis turns the class into a game developing and problem solving team. Using a set of simple rules outlining the game and point structure, students create questions and answers from the course curriculum. They learn by preparing for the game, not in anticipation of a test. The creative process becomes a fun and playful game in itself, and the result is a game others can play. The game was developed over a seven year period at a Reno, Nevada high school.